17.07.2024. - 17.07.2025.

Tradicija i suvremenost - Izložbe dječjih likovnih radova 2001. - 2024.

(Virtualna) izložba | (Virtual) exhibition

Tradicija i suvremenost: Izložbe dječjih likovnih radova 2001. - 2024.
Tradition and Modernity: Exhibitions of children’s art 2001 – 2024

17. srpnja 2024. – 17. srpnja 2025. — July 17, 2024 – July 17, 2025


Čast nam je što danas ovdje s vama u Muzeju Mimara, svjedočimo dvadesetoj izložbi Tradicija i suvremenost koja se ove godine otvara u virtualnom okruženju.

Budući da su ove godine naši učenice i učenici nastavu pratili na daljinu iz svojih domova zbog epidemije Covid-a 19, a u želji da i ove godine Tradicija i suvremenost zablista u punini stvaralaštva brojnih mladih kreativaca, produžili smo rok za dostavu njihovih likovnih radova do početka listopada 2020.
Udruga hrvatskih učitelja likovne izobrazbe (UHULI) kontinuirano već 20 godina, održava natječaj Tradicija i suvremenost, 17 godina uz podršku Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja, a posljednjih godina uz pomoć Ministarstva kulture, Gradskog ureda za kulturu grada Zagreba i uz pomoć entuzijastičnih
članova udruge. Time smo dosegli dvadesetu godinu djelovanja s kojom završavamo naš rad na ovom projektu. Udruga hrvatskih učitelja likovne izobrazbe okuplja one koji vjeruju u razvoj umjetnosti i u snagu likovnog obrazovanja u razvoju ljudskih potencijala.

Natječaj i izložba je tijekom ovih dvadeset godina imala za cilj pridonijeti upoznavanju i očuvanju tradicije i nacionalnog blaga kod djece i učenika, nastojeći ih potaknuti na vlastito stvaralaštvo i istraživački rad. Propitkujući lokalna, a preko lokalnih i univerzalna te globalna iskustva, ponukani su da prepoznaju i uvažavaju kulturne raznolikosti radi postizanja razumijevanja i odgovornosti te razvijanja kritičkoga, kreativnoga i skrbnoga mišljenja.

Cilj je natječaja i izložbe da učenici svojim crtežima, kolažima, slikama, reljefi ma i skulpturama izraze ljepotu hrvatske nacionalne baštine. Kroz likovni izričaj upoznaju svoju domovinu kako bi u multikulturnom svijetu koji ih okružuje sačuvali svoj nacionalni identitet te razvili svijest o bogatstvu i raznolikosti kulturnih baština i identiteta, kao neprocjenjivih vrijednosti u suvremenim globalizacijskim procesima.

I ove su godine sudjelovale škole, nastavnici i učenici, čiji radovi unose svježe ideje o poučavanju i učenju,nove inicijative koje nas nadahnjuju u radu s djecom. Ovdje smo da bismo svjedočili o važnosti učitelja u postignućima učenika. Postignuća učenika podrazumijevaju samosvijest pojedinca, njegovo snalaženje u središtu podsvjesnih, skrivenih i novootkrivenih ideja.

Natječaju se odazvalo 80 osnovnih škola i 4 centra za djecu s posebnim potrebama. Pristiglo je 816 učeničkih radova, a 223 rada su odabrana za izložbu. Povjerenstvo za prosudbu odabralo je najbolje radove, dodijelilo 10 nagrada i 20 pohvala učenicima te diplome likovnim pedagozima i školama.

U ime Udruge hrvatskih učitelja likovne izobrazbe (UHULI), zahvaljujemo svima koji su svih dvadeset godina sudjelovali u ovom projektu, a time i u poticanju i odražavanju kreativnog promišljanja i bogatstva izražavanja naših učenica i učenika.

Emil Robert Tanay


It is an honour to be with you here in the Mimara Museum, bearing witness to the 20th exhibition of Tradition and Contemporarity, which this year is being opened in a virtual setting.

Given that our pupils had their classes remotely from their homes due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we extended the deadline for delivering their artworks to the beginning of November 2020 so that this year, once again, Tradition and Contemporarity can shine with the full creativity of the many young artists.

The Croatian Association of Art Educators (UHULI) has organised the Tradition and Contemporarity exhibition for 20 consecutive years, 17 of which have been with the support of the Ministry of Science and Education, while the last years have been with the help of the Ministry of Culture and Media, the Office of Culture of the City of Zagreb and with support from enthusiastic members of the association. Thus we have managed to reach the 20th year of work with which we close our time on this project. The Croatian Association of Art Educators brings together those who believe in the development of art and the strength of art education in developing human potential.

During the last twenty years the competition and exhibition have helped to introduce children and pupils to their tradition and national heritage, thereby also preserving it whilst inspiring their own creativity and curiosity. By investigating local experiences, and via the local also the universal and global experiences, they are encouraged to recognise and value cultural differences, thus attaining understanding and responsibility and developing critical, creative and caring thought.

The purpose of the competition and exhibition is to enable pupils to express with their drawings, collages, paintings, reliefs and sculptures the beauty of Croatian national heritage. Through their artistic expression they discover their homeland and preserve their national identity in a multicultural world thus developing their awareness of the richness and diversity of cultural heritage and identity, as priceless values in contemporary globalisation processes.

This year again schools, teachers and pupils took part, and their artworks bring fresh ideas on teaching and learning as well as new initiatives that inspire us in our work with children. We are here to bear witness to the importance of teachers in the achievements of pupils. The achievements of pupils show a self-awareness of the individual and their ability to manoeuvre in the middle of subconscious, hidden and newly discovered ideas.

A total of 80 schools and 4 centres for children with special needs took part in the competition with 816 pupils’ artworks of which 223 artworks were chosen for the exhibition. The judging panel chose the best works, gave out 10 awards and 20 honourable mentions to pupils as well as awarding diplomas to their art pedagogues and schools.

In the name of the Croatian Association of Art Educators (UHULI), we would like to thank all of those that have taken part in this project over the last twenty years, and with it encouraged and reflected the creative thinking and wealth of expression of our pupils.

Emil Robert Tanay

Zavjet za budućnost

U dugogodišnjem pedagoškom radu profesora emeritusa Emila Roberta Tanaya, niz od 20 godišnjih izložaba dječjih likovnih radova, održanih u Muzeju Mimara uvijek je iznova pred nama otkrivao čudo dječje kreativnosti i neuhvatljive, ali opčinjavajuće vizije dječjeg stvaralaštva. Profesor emeritus Robert Emil Tanay odigrao je nemjerljivu, hvalevrijednu ulogu prepoznavanja, pokretanja i poticajnog vođenja toga stvaralaštva. Njegov rad, rad Udruge hrvatskih učitelja likovne izobrazbe (UHULI) na čijem čelu je bio, rad nastavnika likovnog odgoja – pregnuća su koja su se ispreplela u bodrenju mladih naraštaja, njihovom otkrivanju svijeta umjetnosti, živih susreta s baštinom i njezinim nepresušnim poticajima, ali i – a to i jest najvrjednije – dječjom uvijek novom i začudnom snagom vlastitog izričaja i proživljaja doživljenog i viđenog. Uvijek iznova vrijedi naglasiti kako se na izložbe održane u Muzeju Mimara tijekom dva desetljeća svake godine odazvalo 200 do 300 osnovnih škola i Centara za odgoj i obrazovanje; godišnje je pristiglo između 2000 i 5000 tisuća radova. Na završnim izložbama u muzeju Mimara bilo je izloženo 7955 likovnih radova učenika – i ovaj faktografski svijet brojki jasan je u prikazu sljubljenosti mladih sa svijetom umjetnosti!

U ovoj prigodi sa zadovoljstvom ističemo kako nas posebice raduje značaj naše dugogodišnje suradnje s profesorom Tanayem iskazan kroz njegov pedagoški rad. Snažna ličnost Emila Roberta Tanaya, oplemenjena njegovom nemjerljivom susretljivošću, omogućila nam je da na jednome mjestu sagledamo temelje i rezultate rada onih koji uče, koji žele znati i koji teže nesputano razvijati svoj osobni izričaj. Generacije mladih upravo su kroz njegovu predanost upoznale svu čaroliju svijeta umjetnosti. Suradnja s brojnim sjajnim nastavnicima likovne umjetnosti, koji su posvećenim pedagoškim radom sudjelovali u ovom besprijekorno vođenom i organiziranom dugogodišnjem projektu, svake je godine iznova rađala nezaboravnim kreativnim uzletima. U vrutku i nepojmljivom bogatstvu i ljepoti motivike, značenja, vještina, razumijevanja i prihvaćanja sljubio se dječji svijet sa snagom iskona i pred nama se rastvorila riznica dječjeg stvaralaštva, koja će uvijek iznova otvarati svoja vrata novim djelima nepresušne dječje snage i iskrenosti.

Muzej Mimara, domaćin ovim izložbama dječjeg stvaralaštva, sa zadovoljstvom je prihvatio prijedlog i želju profesora Tanaya da od 2021. prihvati organizaciju ovog projekta. Muzej Mimara podijelio je, nažalost, bolnu sudbinu mnogih zgrada, domova i ustanova te je zbog šteta od potresa zatvoren za javnost. No, intenzivno se radi na svim segmentima potrebnim za sigurnu i trajnu obnovu te se radujemo u skoroj budućnosti opet otvoriti vrata „živim“ susretima. Do tada nas virtualne prezentacije dječjih radova odvode u sigurne svjetove bujica dječje radosti, topline, razumijevanja i bezvremenske ljubavi. Projekt “Tradicija i suvremenost” virtualnim je prikazima od 2020. do 2024. proletio neograničenim prostorima i njegova je vrhunska kakvoća polučila i međunarodne uspjehe – odabran je za promociju na Facebook i Tiktok stranicama Kunstmatrixa; “Otvori oči i vidi svijet” inovativna je online platforma Muzeja Mimara na kojoj je trajno dostupan pregled virtualnih izložbi “Tradicija i suvremenost”, a projekt je dostupan i na Youtubeu. Do ponovnog susreta u prostorima Muzeja Mimara ostanimo zajedno u kovitlacu virtualnog sazviježđa.

Lada Ratković Bukovčan

Promise for the future

In the brilliant and long-lasting pedagogical work of professor emeritus Emil Robert Tanay, a series of 20 annual exhibitions of children's works of art, held at the Mimara Museum, revealed time and again the miracle of children's creativity and the elusive but fascinating vision of children's genius. Professor emeritus Robert Emil Tanay played an immense and commendable role in recognizing, initiating, and stimulating this genius. His work, the work of the Association of Croatian Art Education Teachers (UHULI) of which he was the head, the work of art teachers – these are the forces that intertwine to encourage the young generation, their discovery of the world of art, live encounters with heritage and its inexhaustible inspiration, but - and this is most valuable - a child's always new and surprising power of self-expression. It is worth emphasizing again and again that 200 to 300 elementary schools and educational centers participated in the exhibitions held at the Mimara Museum every year for two decades; between 2,000 and 5,000 works were received annually. At the final exhibitions in the Mimara museum, 7,955 art works of students were exhibited – and this factual world of numbers clearly reflects the astonishing display of the connection of young people with the world of art!

On this occasion it is our pleasure to point out that we are particularly proud that our long-lasting cooperation with professor Tanay was exercised through his pedagogical work. Emil Robert Tanay's strong character, enriched with his limitless friendliness made it possible for us to witness in one place both the foundations and the results of the work of those who learn, who are eager to know and who strive towards developing their unhindered personal expression. It is through his dedication that the generations of young people got acquainted with the magical world of art. Many exquisite art teachers who participated in this impeccably organized long-term project made unforgettable creative avalanches each year. In the whirlwind and unimaginable richness and beauty of motifs, meaning, skills, understanding and acceptance, the children's world merged with the power of the primordial and the treasury of children's creativity opened before us again and again with new works of inexhaustible strength and sincerity.

The Mimara Museum, the host of these exhibitions of children's creativity, was pleased to accept Professor Tanay's proposal and desire to take on the organization of this project from 2021 onwards. Unfortunately, the Mimara Museum shared the painful fate of many buildings, homes and institutions and was closed to the public due to earthquake damage. However, intensive work is being carried out on all segments necessary for safe and permanent reconstruction, and we are looking forward to opening our doors to "live" meetings again in the near future. Until then, virtual presentations of children's works take us to safe worlds of torrents of children's joy, warmth, understanding and timeless love. The project "Tradition and Modernity" flew through unlimited spaces with virtual displays from 2020 to 2024, and its top quality achieved international success – it was selected for promotion on Kunstmatrix's Facebook and Tiktok pages; "Open your eyes and see the world" is an innovative online platform of the Mimara Museum, where an overview of the virtual exhibitions "Tradition and Modernity" is permanently available, and the project is also available on YouTube. Until we meet again on the premises of the Mimara Museum, let us stay together in the vortex of the virtual constellation.

Lada Ratković Bukovčan


Katalog izložbe /
Exhibition catalogue

Za najbolje iskustvo pregleda, predlažemo koristiti puni prikaz preko cijelog ekrana . | For best viewing experience we suggest using the full screen mode .


Muzej Mimara
Rooseveltov trg 5, 10000 Zagreb

Tel: 01/4828-100
Fax: 01/4826-079
Email: mimara@mimara.hr

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